Thursday, May 27, 2010 something's differnt...

havent felt like this in soo long. the last time it felt this good it also ended so bad as well... but im not about to think of this using the past as an exaple... i would like to take things slow thought just baby steps and seem how far out we will stray. he said something to me that made me seriously think... if he's willing to say that it could mean one of two thing: a) he's really really n2 me b)he's just like me.
if he's really n2 me that means that he sincerly believes tht im the sure thing which is such an honor to me. because it allows me to open up finally and trust him. im a little less guarded than before and i am able to say wat i really feel. he makes it easy though. he talks with such intellect that it feeds my hungery of curiosity for him making me want more...
if he's just like me that means he could mean it at the moment but who knows. when i say that i mean hecould be playing on an over whelm of emotions and not be thinking claerly. it is so easy to have feelings for some one and say wat you feel its not like it'd be a lie it just simply wouldnt only be for that moment. not saying that it wouldn't develop into something just rushing it wont get there any faster...
either way im all in and im prepared to ride the high. he's awesome and i cant wait to see where this goes....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


wishing he could tell me something, anything, that could put ma mind at ease.

traveling at wat seems to be the speed of light

at the same time grabbing even the samllest moments in my net

but wat im really looking for is a precious moment that i lost

the one left behind in a time where love made all things stand calm

i called out to him

begged for his had

to pull me frm this relm

of sadness



and bring me to a place of purity

a place where i can finally breath

just when i though i lost that special moment
he presented it at my feel

telling me that moment was always near me

all i had to do was realize that all the small moments

were the puzzle pieces that created it.
now as the particles settle and time slows down
there's something in the air
something with a sense of resolution
and the perfection to an imperfect end

Wild Horses

guess i gotta take the time out to eat ma words. well not neccessarily eat them jus be mind full of others. told u the day was goonna gey intresting lol... may be im not exactly seeing the other side of the window here on this one. its starting to get very complex and just when i thught i had a grip on the situation the dynamic changes. the energy comlpetely flips around now im the one on edge. trying to see wat his next move is. maybe ma psetimistic nature is causing me to see things that are really there. could this gy actually CARE about me? is he really the genuine guy he says? it goes back to the age old ideeal that humans are both good and bad so maybe he's got some things that i'd rather not deal with but yet so far despit all that he's still doing better that most of the guys ive dealt with and they've had the benefit of te doubt frm the very beginning. i jus thing maybe its the fact that im worried he might actually be wat's good for me and the really can help that he met he first. history has plenty of stories of ppl who fall for eachother despite belonging to other ppl. damn it!!!! what the holy hell just happened??? i dnt know wat to say i jus need time to think this thur he's promising me the equivelent of perfection and i fell like jumping for the offer people are not perfect and maybe im forgetting that i jus think about "wat if" and my stomach filps ten times. i dnt know anymore. and who am ito deny him the chance. if it was me i would want more tha anything to show the person that shit happensd but that shouldnt happen to us...

Its morning

i woke up at about 10:30 today ma sleep was not really that good its ok though i have those moments alot. the issue i had yesterday is over with we r just buddies now and i ntend to keep it that way. he said something that struck a cord in me. he said "i'll stay friends cuz i'd rather be a friend then nt hve u n my life at all" i guess that means he really cares for me buti cnt help but think why now in this piont of out lives when we are litterally sperated. i cnt guess for the life of me why this didnt happens n school but at th same time fate has her way of putting characters is a story at anytime she wants. i feel like he's playing this game to get me to fall for him. he probably figures tht if he opens up to me then i'll let ma gurad down. i dont want to develop anything other thn friendship with him but i fell as if im playing a rigged game of chess. it has always been in ma nature to want xactly wat i cant have and he's the prize thats off limits im doing the right thing by staying friends but the question is will he do the right thing and do his part to... all this and its not even noon yet...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i saw this coming a mile away and finally i can do something now that its close enough

i did it i let the poor boy go... i hate being the bearer of bad news even if it includes me but it had to be done and somebdy had to take the lead and say enough!!! he's still reluctant to do down easy but that fine with me cuz either way i've said ma peice and that all to it. if want future relatioships to work for me i must end this cuz karma is nothing nice and it always comes back three times as strong and i no i wouldnt ant anything like this to happen to me cuz im not one to handle things lke this very well. so its done i hope if not i will definately update on the situation...

i was lying when i said i couldn't trust my self around you

he's really not making this easy for me. i need space and he's scooting clooser! im at the point where im just getting use to beig alone and learning to accept being single. one of my greatest fer is being alone but that is something i am prepared to admit and thats probably why i keep so many useless conquests around me so i wont hav time enough to actually stop and realize this. this particular young man is becoming a bit of hand full, partly because i did not even see it comin but i thought it would be fun and im not the one to pass up a bit of fun if it presents itsself. only his intentions are so trasperant that im getting annoyed at how quickly the fun has ended. he claims to be involved with some one yet his plays this ole as the nice guys with all the right motives.. i mean honsetly who does he think he's kidding. and i make a habit of bring the subject up because i want his to kniw tht i am completely aware of his situation and he keeps feeding me bullshit talikg about he wants "desire and passion" well call the one you are involved with and tell her that! who ever she is she deseves a fighting chance ans i will not be the reason that she does not ger it. i remember how hwe used to talk about the girls he pursuied in high school and he made them seem soo dumb and willing tomake themselves look stupid to be honset even in high school i thought he was a bit of an asshole any way and i will nver completely trus him or his intentions and he knows this. im not perfect and i know this but i dont want this kind of energy in my life and sadly he must go. he will never be nothing more than a friend to me and he dosent seem to get that. wat he needs to do is fix his realationship or decisde if it is even woth the energy he is obveously not putting into it anyway.
there is some else i am waiting to be ready. he's great and has a kind heart it seaps thurough even when he's not trying. it took me quite a while to actually do so mcuch as to say hi. but when i finally did it was ood to know that he at least knew who i was. i remember the xact day i saw him. i was standing in line at the book store and e cut infront of me, i wasnt looking but when he spoke i looked up and my breat literally went away. he was something right out of ma deepest drams like i'd seem his face before. of coure the encouter only lasted a few seconds bu thta was enough for me. it took weeks for me to say hi and after that i perceeded to continue with short friendly conversatios, anything to talk to him. even after we were well on out way to friendship it still took me days to just ask him for his FB page lol. i think he already knew but like i said he was just that nice that he was patient with me. finally i got the balls to gice him my number over FB of course lol (i know vey hilarious). he is suffering from the came sickness that i am: a broken crippled heart. who ever he was with first did a number on him i thinks thats what makes him so beautiful to me the fact that the same xact thing that happend to him happened to me and its like our hearts are unknowingly tied by the same pain. he is not willing to b in a relationship rite now and i completely understand thats xctly how i feel rite now. we are in a way waiting on each other to heal. with him its like baby steps and im okay with it. this is giving us a chance to learn eachother before we risk anything. its like we are bth making sure not to get hurt and in turn helping eachothr heal... its a good feeling to know that someone else outthere has the dame fellings and valuses that i do. he's a nice guy and i cnt wait to learn more about him and discover what makes him who he is inside...

reinvetion of me

i had to re do my blog page i didnt really like where it was heading. i dont want this blog to be some copy of everyone else i want it to stand out and i promise to who ever read this that everything in it will be 100% of my heart and soul. im doing a complete revamp, at first i had a drake pic as my profile but then i thought to myself "this picture shows nothing of who i really am and its immature for me to have it". even my blogs were becomming random spits of nothingness and that's not my style i want people to read this and feel better afterwards not the same. i am at point in my life where things are about to change and im open to it completely. im ready to go into life with my heart and mind completely open, no labels, no expectatons, no limits. i can feel something big on my tail and my likfe is literally seconds frm changing forever and i could never be more excited and scared all at once. ppl keep telling me its okay to be scared of the unknown it not really the unknown tht scares me its the thought of find my place and finnaly being incharge of my own traditions, and even more my own life. ive been living as the middle man and its time i stop playing telephone and start playing for my own team alot of thngs wew hollding me back all my life and for the first time im ready to say no more and break away frm these triggers in my life. im not saying tht everything wil be rainbows and sunshine from here bcuz that would be nieve wat i am saying is that at leat for the first time i can see the colors at the very least...